Wednesday 9 March 2016


Detoxification is a key body function involving the elimination of metabolic waste and other toxins via the eliminatory organs- the skin and kidneys and especially the liver. As much of about 80% of all chemical processes that go on in your body involve detoxification activities and modern day living has led to an increased exposure to toxins.

As well as the toxic by-products of our own metabolism, we are faced with toxins in what we eat and drink, as well as from alcohol, cigarettes, medical drugs, cosmetics, household cleaning products, not to mention pollution and environmental poisons.

When our parents were growing up, they were not exposed to a lot of toxic threats that invade us today. Hence it was much more easier for them to live longer without some of the life threatening diseases that combats us today.

Accumulation of some of these toxic materials in our body have hitherto affected several natural body functions especially those that have a thing or two to do with our ability to reproduce.

A baby is 50% product of its father and mother. Hence optimizing the quality of eggs and sperm before conception is of paramount importance.

A lot of some of our lifestyles today contribute in no small measure to the accumulation of some of these toxic materials in our body thereby leading to varying degrees of sperm disorders in men and implantation failures in women.

Therefore, both partners should detox, follow a fertility diet, take preconception supplement, and avoid activities leading to the generation of several reproductive toxins within the body.

Getting pregnant and growing a new human being with your own reserves, requires a surplus of nutrients and energy. Therefore beyond just detoxifying, it is imperative for the woman to also ensure the intake of a lot of essential nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

Another major factor affecting both male and female when it comes to fertility issue is Overweight.

Overweight and obese men have worse sperm quality than men of healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can also cause hormonal changes that reduce fertility and make men less interested in sex. Men who are very overweight are also more likely to have problems getting an erection. Together, these factors reduce the chances of men who are overweight or obese fathering a child.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, or intend to start trying, know that being overweight – especially significantly so – can affect your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby as a woman. Obesity can affect fertility by causing hormonal imbalances and problems with ovulation, particularly for obese women having their first baby. 

- Women who are overweight or obese have less chance of getting pregnant overall. They are also more likely than women of healthy weight to take more than a year to get pregnant.

- The risk of pre-eclampsia doubles in overweight women and triples in obese women. Overweight women have twice the risk of gestational diabetes and obese women eight times the risk, compared with women of healthy weight.

- A woman who is obese is more than twice as likely to have a miscarriage as a woman of healthy weight. There is twice the risk that her baby will not survive.

- Infants born to obese women are more likely to be large for their age, need neonatal intensive care or have a congenital abnormality.

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