Wednesday 9 March 2016

Beautiful - A Poem, Especially, For You...


Sometimes it takes a fine boy’s stare, other times an open admiration from a girl,
A 5k make-up item, a revealing dress in dollars, heels in pounds, hair from another continent, likes in zeros, whistles and party-invites to make you feel beautiful.
But beyond that, when the lights go dim, when the show is over, when everyone leaves and you are all that remains, Without the weave, without the body enhancers and the makeup, then you crack up over the genuine moments you have made;

The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you just cannot pronounce a word,
The way you smile, your silly face in a selfie.
Your crazy food combinations, your flaws and cake flops.

Your stretch marks that look like your favorite animal,
Your birthmark so unique you wish you could show it to the world.
The sit up and squat routines you indulged in, the break-up speech you had with chocolate and ice cream still in the freezer.
The mood swings, the cramps,
Delayed conception,
Labor and birth.

Your love for colors and screens,
For chords and strings, for stitches and threads,
For strokes and swirls, for words and paper.
For test-tubes and microscopes, for cells and tissues,
For cables and ports.

The stunt you pulled to meet the deadline at work,
The hours of hard work to make People’s life easier,
Your refusal to manipulate figures and compromise quality,
The overtime without pay, the sleepless nights.

The fight you started, the ones you ended.
The tears you couldn’t explain, the ones which wouldn’t drop.
The relationships you saved the ones that sailed.

The victory against drugs and alcohol,
The win over cancer and the unidentified illnesses.
You maintained your sanity, you fought depression,
You rose above stereotypes and prejudice.

You held on to faith when there was no reason to,
You raised hands in worship,
You interceded for folks far and near,
You bent your knees in prayers.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, the extra’s don’t define you.
Revel in your flaws and strength.
You are beautiful all by yourself, do not treat yourself any less.
Your main source of beauty comes from within;
knowing that you are strong and you are loved.
Beauty, truly is in the eye of the “holder”!


Credit: Kikasaysblog

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